4 Reasons Our NEW Sport Court Backyard Court was the BEST Decision EVER!!!

1. Our Sport Court Backyard Court Allows Us to Soak Up More Memories with the Kids
Having a court at home gave us our kids back and made our house the go-to house for all of their friends too. The memories we are making are precious and I am so excited for summer.
2. It’s More Than Just Basketball, Our Sport Court Multi-Game Court offers 8+ Family-Friendly Games
Can you believe that on our one court we can play basketball, pickleball, volleyball, badminton, tetherball, four square, and more? It’s crazy, right?
3. Having an Outdoor Basketball Court Gets the Kids Off Their Screens
Every parent of teens that I know has one common complaint – they are ALWAYS on their cell phones. And, when they are not on their cell phones they are on their video games. It’s so frustrating! Not to mention unhealthy.
That is another reason I love our outdoor basketball court. A day has not gone by since our sport court was completed that the kids are not outside playing some sort of game together.
4. Our Sport Court Backyard Court Allows Us to Stay Active As a Family
Health is a top priority in our family and while we have always focused on eating healthy together, we really never prioritized being active together. Man, have we been missing out!
Working out is so much more fun when it includes an hour or more of cardio with your kids on your own backyard court. Not only are we moving our bodies, which is healthy, but we are also decreasing stress and pumping our body with all of those feel-good endorphins.